My journey with the snake began on a calm, open sea.
I floated devotedly before me, without knowing where the journey would "drive" me. ( symbolically )
After a short time I was quite surprisingly and relentlessly pulled into the dark depths. Into the black, unexplored unconscious.
Fear showed itself from all sides. Fear of loss of control, not knowing what happens now.
Dear Laura,
through your strong, straight and very devoted guidance you helped me navigate through the darkness. This journey has shown me that trusting the unconscious ME opens many doors. I carry the key for this in my heart and can make use of it at any time, as long as I allow it.
Are you afraid of the weak, unexplored unconscious?
Then travel with the snake and Laura. I can recommend it to you from the bottom of my heart. Through her years of experience with plant medicine, she is exactly the right person to accompany you, so that doors can also open for you and light can radiate into your life.
this journey is a gamechanger!
lauras unique presence is alike a conductor with her symphony orchestra: every part, every one has been seen and accompanied within the weekly calls. you‘ll be picked up wherever and in whatever situation you are.
lauras reactions on comments were like oracle messages, but not to be interpreted, just to be followed, true, honest, touching, combined with ones mind, that opened itselfs from time to time, until the real you reveals.
it was much more than just an experience, it‘s a journey to encounter yourself!
Whoever moves in Laura's field will be richly gifted:
Insights that finally land from the head in the belly, long overdue transformation, awareness, including the deep knowledge of being protected and carried by love and respect for one's own story without unnecessarily dwelling in it.
In the weekly calls or in the private sharing in the group, her presence is physically felt, her attention razor sharp, her words touching and apt at the same time. She guides, navigates you through your shadows, encourages and challenges, and brings light to your inner, forgotten places so that healing can happen.
Her connection to plant medicine is strong, pure and magical.
The Snake Blindjourney was my personal adventure, knowing Laura as a guardian of space an incredibly intense happiness, for both I am deeply grateful.
Traveling in Laura's company takes you exactly where you long to go: home to you.
Sandra Arias/ www.sanari.ch
To my fairy behind the rainbow
The journey with you and the snake:
The mystery of the infinite worlds and the treasures hidden within, the darkness and the not knowing triggers the "normal" human being. Who would not want to see, experience, feel, reach, heal or whatever more.
Gentle and sheltered and at the same time insanely strong and with incredible presence and love you led our group through the heaven and hell journey. Safe, determined, loving and forward thinking.
When I thought it couldn't get any worse, a bottomless black hole opened up. And yes, I fell in. The journey brought my life, my environment, my deepest secrets and hidden fears from darkness to light. The snake has together with you rigorously cleaned up everything that there was to clean up.
I am deeply touched, hopeful and carried.
It gives me new vitality, joy and courage that after the nothingness there is actually still something. Or even there the way begins.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your companionship and your foresight.
I can recommend to everyone: are you ready for a rollercoaster? If yes, go for it. If not, go for it too!
LOVE Isabelle
Laura's accompaniment goes deep. Very deep. She touches layers and parts of me that I have long forgotten or suppressed. Laura sees me. She feels me. She is a master with plants and reading energies. She opens spaces in me. She asks exactly the right questions. She gives exactly the input I need to remember myself, to feel myself again, to leave my comfort zone. She does this lovingly, clearly, raw, with humor, self-empowering. She reminds me of my power. To my darkness, my light, my truth. To my essence. To the play of life.
My commitment in Laura's spaces to myself is to always show up with who I am right now. No matter if there is resistance, shame, anger, sadness, despair, joy, desire, darkness, light or whatever is there. All that is welcome and you get what you need - which is not always what you want or desire. Can, but does not have to. This has developed more and more an awareness in me that I have a CHOICE. For example, how I deal with myself, how I react to certain situations, how I see or perceive life right now, how I go through life.
I have become so much closer to myself, feel more connected to myself than ever before. I am beginning to see where I am still holding back, where I may go deeper. Laura's companionship is a huge gift and I heartily recommend Laura to all who long for themselves, for the magic, for the depth, for the aliveness in life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Laura, thank you for YOU and your work!
Happy Sunday and much love,
Dear Laura,
I hope I can find words for my experience in your field and the field of the rose, in the field of plant medicine, which seems to be so completely one with you and your body.
I have become very picky with who I allow to accompany me anymore, as I am indeed no longer easily surprised.
Your field has shaken me to the core. Already the Amanita Dieta has done that. But I felt that I was not yet ready to engage with it deeply.
At the same time, I wanted to hold on to what I thought I was for fear of losing it.
Of course I still want to hold on

But what has become much stronger is the TURN ON to just not being able to hold on to it. Not being able to control anything.
Not that I didn't already know this was my longing, and not insignificantly already lived it.
And yet... your field, you, the rose... I have been penetrated in a way that I can't even find words for it.
Penetrated into my deepest being. And in an absolutely unexcited, undramatic way.
FUN comes to me. As if it had been an amusement park, the whole dieta, and we had taken a spin on the Ferris wheel once and afterwards nothing was the same as before and yet everything was still the same.
Only more substantial. More substantial. Lighter. Mischievous. More teasing. More playful. More loving. More intimate.
And while we lick cotton candy, we simultaneously visit everyone's personal hell and play with the fire there. Including burning. But somehow it doesn't hurt. Or only briefly. And then the desire comes again, the TURN ON...
I have to use these metaphors to describe my experience, they just come. And it is at the same time so meaningful to what is happening in your field and the world of your spaces.
Nothing less than magic.
And then you send your protégés out into life to please use that magic on the practice mat of real life.
And rarely have I found it so easy to actually do that as I did during those four weeks.
So deeply did my cells remember that I am the game master of everything, and that it is always just me with me.
And so I went into highly confrontational situations, began to say things that I've been moving around inside me alone for years.
And then the eroticism... I could write a book about that alone.
I'm sure it only draws women into your field who are here to live a deeply erotic feminine expression.
I knew that about myself. And sensuality was not foreign to me and was already essential to my life.
But this dark eroticism... and all the associated taboos, fears and evaluations, just also from the "light spiritual scene". Phuuu..
In your field and under the guidance of the rose it was so easy for me, it was quite natural to allow this aspect in me.
My commitment to my own body and my (also dark) desire has grown so much and become rock solid.
I could cry every time I feel my yoni, my pussy now. She has become my first point of contact. The yoni balls grade my daily companions. JEWELRY INSIDE ME. Wow. Already only this sentence was worth the whole company.
Yes, and the rose... The rose is indescribable. You have to experience it. You have to get involved with it. She has given me so much and still does.
I know our journey has just begun....
And I am so grateful for this deeply loving, precise, triggering accompaniment from you and her.
I rarely find another field that is so completely without imprints. Without imprints of concepts, learned tools, ideas of teachers of teachers.... a field that simply IS and works out of itself, and yet does not leave out the rich worldly human EXPERIENCE and shares it as well.
Laura, your field and how you connect it to the plant world and plant medicine, or how the plants connect to you... this field is such a field.
And what better way to lead into the deepest dark and light filled concept and conceptless depths of the feminine than a field like this....
with love
First of all, it takes courage to embark on a journey with a South American cactus, to “subdue” it. The plant looks quite subtle. And I received intensive and very direct support from Laura Caputo in the finer aspects of her work. I did not experience transformation as an invitation to change, but as an invitation to go on my own journey of discovery of who I am deep inside and to stand by this deep inside by discarding filters and adopted patterns.
The plant work with Laura Caputo replaces many, often ineffective "normal" therapy sessions. Cactus journey with Laura Caputo is never instruction, but a great encouragement to be yourself. I thank Laura from the bottom of my heart for her powerful authenticity and her encouragement to say yes to the man who lies dormant within me with all his potential.
Martin Preisser
It is incredibly exciting how different the experience and the frequencies were from zb. amanita and the rose. with amanita everything was very crazy, adventurous, insidious, playful, childish, crazy and visually but very precise and exact.
I found the rose to be very soft and blurry. bedded on clouds, incredibly feminine and gentle but very deep and the message completely logical.
both trips are unforgettable for me. I'm looking forward to the next time!
Thank you dear Laura! you are the best fairy behind the rainbow.
After six months of accompaniment, I decided to embark on the next trip with Laura. It just wasn't enough, or rather it was my TURN ON and the title Mystic of the Dark Rose made me vibrate. Journey into the Darkness where no one knows what will come of it, not even Laura herself. In addition a plant Dieta, but the plant is not yet known.. Magical, mysterious. It will only show itself in the course of the coaching with Laura.
Wonderful this kind of ignorance. And yet knowledge. Primal knowledge.
Even now; Months later after our coaching, I hear Laura's voice. Actually every day and in certain situations quite clearly. Your teachings are so present. And precise. She knows exactly what she's doing. And she does it with a wonderful devotion... and because she is through it all herself. She gives you inputs where it is necessary, drills where it helps and heals and her all-round support is terrific. There are days when I realize that I would like a call now.
Laura's words:
Be so that you are uncomfortable for the next three months, out of comfort zone, what have you always been afraid of? We let the prostitute die. empty yourself Hold the tension. Throw yourself into life. And especially: fear and desire = ecstasy and you are magic.
The start of our journey together. Simple tasks and yet hugely difficult. Feel into the shadows and be human. Because we are all spiritual beings.
And yes, I felt uncomfortable, showed myself. Went live not knowing what I wanted to talk about. And then endure the tension.
Written texts that I would probably never have written and, above all, published. And always expose the fear on your neck, namely as I really am and not to please.
Fear and lust = ecstasy. I love it. And it's the challenge of my life. Because it leads me to me.
Because the right time is right now.
The tangled, the paradoxical, the deeply feminine.
Blind. Magic. you are magic
Rabbit hole, free fall into the dark and of course mushrooms.
Mushrooms and dragons, you taught me about the paradox.
Journeys to the cervix, our portal. Anywhere I can travel to. Create out of me. Journey to the deep sea. Deep sea diving with whale songs. Swells and foam crown. Ocean.
Fool's Freedom. Do not know. tongue-splitting.
And of course the plants Dieta. Deep, medieval, images ...and dreams. Just the longed-for arrival of this plant was almost unbearable. Tension. Dive down into nothingness and come up again. Transformation. _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
your presence. The presence of the anaconda. Your wonderful guidance through the entire coaching. I can't thank you enough.
Yes, I'm often at the same point again and it's never the same.
You Laura taught me to walk the path. On the way to myself. To my true self. And that there are no wrong decisions.
Basic trust and ecstasy. Through the shadows and arriving in the body.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart! For this journey into the depths. For everything. For out of the moment. You're Marvellous.
Deep, Dark, Mystic of the Dark Rose.
Huge thanks also to the Sisterhood, Dark Rose Sisters.
Dear Claudia
MYSTIC OF THE DARK ROSE - Laura's teaching accompanied by the power of plant medicine, the intensity and magic of this journey are still vibrating in my cells - a journey I had never experienced before. Pure goosebumps, a DEEP DIVE deep down inside...
At that point I had been with Laura for a long time and I knew that in her coaching sessions she would always take me to places where self-sabotage, doubt and manipulation dominate. The focus is on dissolving old patterns, beliefs and connections that no longer serve me. shadow work. Transformation. Accompanied by body work, Yoni Egg practice and deep immersion in the world of the (im)mature feminine and masculine and in the feminine essence of the Rosendieta... DARK ROSE WOMAN... Ever stronger self-awareness and intuition. It was time for another level:
I started the MYSTIC OF THE DARK ROSE coaching from scratch. Perceived neutrality and curiosity were quickly replaced by an emotional chaos of extreme euphoria over sadness, anger, despair and resignation. Well-known fears of loss and self-sabotage emerged. A ride through hell. Then silence. Free fall into the black hole, into the vastness of the universe. Letting go, not knowing... and right then it was there, physically present, the plant that traveled from afar and accompanied us in its purest essence on our journey. I reverently call her "My Purple Lady". Their mysticism and magic had already announced themselves to us in the opening ceremony. Invisible from the dark, she let us feel her incredibly powerful presence. Brought so much clarity, light into the dark.
Without knowing how, Laura fully entrusted herself to My Purple Lady's teachings and held the space for us. On the way to self-love, my inner lover, Laura taught me high standards. Laura accompanied me into the depths of the ocean, showing me dazzling underwater worlds, but also dark and uncanny things that made me shudder and brought me back to the foaming surface of the ocean when it was time for it. Let go, endure, trust. Transformation. Pure magic of being present in the moment, of not knowing. The journey led far and deep down into the mysticism of the dark feminine essence that has appeared in the nature of the cobra and the anaconda. Down to the cervix, guardian of sexual energy, ecstasy and passion... MYSTIC OF THE DARK ROSE... My inner lover, freedom from fools and lightness from now on as a new powerful companion at my side. Clarity. Feminine power and creativity from the depths of the cervix as medicine and elixir of life. Cure. What an incredible gift...
LAURA, with your invaluable work you showed me the way back to myself and taught me to forgive myself and never leave me «no matter what!». After a long-lasting illness you guided me in a highly sensitive way to reconnect my heart and body. Taught me to feel myself in every single cell, even if it can be associated with pain. Go deep and allow emotions. To end the struggle inside and out and to no longer be a victim. Bringing the power back to me and keeping it with me. To be mindful, to be present with what is. Acceptance. Unconditional Love. Again and again you have reminded me of the power of manifestation and the magical healing powers of nature and plant medicine, which from now on will accompany me on the path to self-healing. On shamanic journeys you took me into mysticism introduced the power animals and immersed me in worlds that reminded me of my forgotten self and that everything is already there. There, deep inside me.
Deeply touched and in love with you all, you beautiful Rose Sisters
Mystic of the dark rose sister
Dear Laura, I have now been in your field for a total of 4 months. First in the Dark Rose Wo*Men program and then in Dark Rose Woman, the Rosen Dieta.
Walking the path with you was a decision based on an impulse within me. I felt I "must" in your program. Thank you for approaching me and noticing that.
"You are mature" were your words at the beginning.
Yes, I was mature and every step, every new experience, every look at my shadow made me slide into a wider space. I call it gliding, although it wasn't always, I would say quite often, challenging to face my fears.
You always led me with a clarity to where I most likely would have turned and run.
I have learned to stand still, behind me and beside me. What a gift, thank you. Your teachings are unique and extremely valuable.
Three months deep inside and down, as you always say, after that I will first integrate. That's what my mind told me. I then traveled with you and the rose for another 4 weeks and after that it felt smooth. Both programs were depth at it's finest, which is what I love and have been craving.
You have shown me this deep feminine truth where it resides and where I reside.
My life turned you, more than 180 degrees, thank you.
This time, traveling with plants and all the other teachers who were in your field have become part of me and are now with me.
My self-confidence, self-confidence and appreciation for me have grown enormously.
All areas of my life www.praxis-stillekraft.de benefit from it. This coaching was a benefit especially for my business.
I can recommend Laura with all my heart, the only thing you need is your willingness to get involved with her and her way.
Thank you to my soul that brought me here to you.
With deep love 💚
Kirsten Brauninger
At the beginning of the year, with the guidance and support of Laura, I was allowed to embark on a journey into my soul.
My fear of going into this dark, unexplored depth was huge.
Laura showed me with her incredible certainty that the dark down there is anything but evil. She guided me through the darkness and I had to give up my control for many years and let myself drift in the flow of feminine being.
This experience took me to a whole new level of being. The darkness in the primal mother ( womb ) was flooded with light and dissolved ancient patterns, which my mother, grandmother... also saw.
After these 3 months with Laura, I feel much more at home in my feminine essence and can always fall back on images, moments that get me out of controlled, dark situations.
San Pedro will also be a constant companion. The incredibly loving plant that taught me to walk through life more stress-free and relaxed.
Dear Laura, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this experience, which will accompany me throughout my life.
I can warmly recommend everyone out there to embark on such a soul journey with Laura.
Her many years of experience with plants and soul work contributes to the fact that you are accompanied safely and protected by her and that blockages that have been going on for years are dissolved.
"In a time of great upheaval and intensive personal debate, Laura's coaching enabled me to find new strength, inner strength and future-oriented visions. Her high level of sensitivity and competence as well as her deep heart strength have inspired me and strengthened me on my way - heartfelt thanks for this wonderful companion! "
Marina Berini, Resilience Training & Systemic Consulting, www.berini.info
"A little over 2 years ago, when I was questioning my life with my husband and two children (who were 16 and 18 at the time), a friend of mine mentioned Laura. She raved about her and I have an appointment right away agreed. The first time I was of course nervous and unsure what to expect. For me, the first meeting was incredible and intense. Everything Laura "saw" and felt. I was completely blown away and I knew that I would continue to I will go to her. I then did that at regular intervals of 4 to 6 weeks and have done so until today. My personal change during this time was/is enormous. I discovered love for myself, I think very positively, my sex life has changed 100% positively, my body feeling is also much nicer and so much more has changed with me but also with my or with my environment.I suddenly have a lot of positive feedback about myself and my person to get. It was a wonderful feeling and it still is now. In all sessions I always felt very comfortable and in good hands. There were sessions where I cried or felt sad, but there were also sessions where I felt more energetic or just happy. Talking to Laura has always helped me a lot. Laura was always able to give me good tips for everyday life, which were good and easy to implement. Small changes, taking short moments for yourself and your body, saying sentences for yourself in everyday life, etc. What I always found very exciting was that Laura felt what I needed in every single session, such as a feather, this powder for the nose ;-), lying down or sitting etc. In my case, too, a person from the afterlife appeared to Laura twice. That was a very special experience for me and very intensive but also clarifying. What was also very good for me was that Laura always encouraged me to go "pure" into my feelings. That means that if I was sad and had to cry, that was also completely fine and I also learned to allow it. With all feelings. What I also learned from Laura is that I can and can convey my needs and desires to others. Laura was always there for me. I was able to text her or send a voice message and she always responded quickly. That calmed me down and of course also helped me when I wasn't feeling so well between the individual sessions. I owe a lot to Laura. I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for her. I know that for sure and I am eternally grateful for her help and support!"
Rita Cousin
Through 🌺BLOOMING🌼 an intensive journey to myself began.
I still can't believe the changes that have resulted from this 3-month intensive coaching with Laura.
Through this coaching I was able to experience how much strength, power and zest for life I REALLY have. With Laura's help, I fought shadows and gained new energy from them, destroyed old beliefs and found new ones.
One of the most beautiful gifts during this time was that I love and appreciate myself more and more.
I am deeply impressed by the way Laura works with us women. Laura responds individually to the needs of each individual and feels what she needs. Through her empathetic sometimes loving strictness, she introduced me to topics that I was ready to delve deeper into.
In the calls I laughed, cried, felt empty, was full of energy and experienced the whole range of different feelings... It was/is intense, but I always felt supported by Laura.
With the 🌹Soft-Rose-Dieta🌹 I was allowed to go even deeper and I am deeply grateful for this wonderful experience.
Thanks to the Rosespirit, I was able to connect more intensely with my wife/my sexuality. She taught me to become more intuitive, softer, clearer, to know my limits and to go for them - without compromise. I felt more and more to TRUST!
I look forward to continuing to delve into the REAL ME.
HEART THANKS dear Laura for dis Wirkä, your honesty and dear ❤️🌹✨ Carole
It has always been the case that my life has given me very clear indications when a major change is due. So also this time. I felt that I was missing an important tool for progress. Everything started to slow down and felt like a standstill. I, an absolute alpha animal and fighter, threatened to fall into dissatisfaction at that moment, because I could hardly get by without a goal and control. As luck would have it, Laura appeared again and again on Facebook and created a kind of pull of curiosity in my field. I was familiar with Laura's work from before and knew that she was a master in her field. And that's how she got me hooked on her Blossoming program. I don't want to just embellish everything with flowers, because the three months pushed me all the way. But also because I wanted to! I was tired of just lukewarmly plaguing along instead of living to my full potential. So the trip turned into a roller coaster ride. I let myself go and learned from Laura what it means to not have a plan, to give up control, to surrender, to listen to your primal nature and make room for it, which means true sexuality and intimacy with me but also with my partner , to recognize the gift of the womb and cervix and to learn to use them, to give up the fight and instead to internalize my values, so that fewer and fewer external triggers were needed. I gave light to my shadows and destructive archetypes so they could be alchemized and transformed. I let go of the child in me, broke away from my parents in a peaceful way and gradually made my way towards my adult wife. Thank you, dear Laura, very much for these wonderful three months. You have opened a new portal to myself. Sincerely, Denise
"It's about time. It's about time.
I felt it in my whole being. But I had a thousand reasons why I shouldn't or shouldn't start coaching with Laura. However, my inner guidance clearly brought me to the now to start coaching and so I immersed myself with Laura. My whole system was shaky, but I did it anyway. My intuition has spoken.
Now a few months later, I can clearly see that these feelings, which I felt so real at the time, turned out to be illusions. They came from the shadows, and shadows are illusions, however real these feelings feel.
Meanwhile, I can also classify being shaky. It's the stage fright that comes when I step out of my comfort zone. Then when I step into a field that my system does not know and so it sounds the alarm. It hasn't yet had the experience that it wouldn't kill me in this new field.
Meanwhile I smile. Uuuhhh, how well I know it slowly, this stage fright. And yes, it keeps coming back. With every further step out of my comfort, into my strength and my life, which is intended for me and my soul. And with every step out of my comfort, into my truth, the energy upgrade occurs.
In the meantime, I also know that the step won't kill me, on the contrary, it releases a lot of energy, which is then available to me. And it gets easier with every step.
Accompanying Laura's incredibly fine and powerful gift, I am deeply immersed in the depth of my being. And it keeps going deeper and deeper. And in this depth the light becomes more and more luminous and I experience more and more what it means to be alive. And in this liveliness I know more and more where my path leads, which corresponds to my vibration.
The connection to my essence, my strength and infinite power, to my pure and raw truth was deeply strengthened through the coaching with Laura. Through the trust and devotion to life, I experience more and more magic.
Experiencing Laura's open and honest heart, her connection with herself, her soul, the spirits and nature, her jucyness and her pure naked truth in this powerful company is simply a gift.
Laura's coaching is a blessing to me, my life and the world.
My path is now connected more and more with my life purpose through my vibration increase through the coaching. With the increase in vibration, the color red came to me. She is part of me and through working with Laura I began to integrate her into my energy field. She accompanies and guides me. It is she who leads me deeper and deeper into my own womanhood. With her power I created my first Sacred Woman Circle. It vibrated. Such an incredible power was felt. An important step on my soul path. One of my tasks here on earth is to work with women and to accompany them on their way to connecting with their bodies and their elemental power. And yes, I've always had the suspicion that this is part of my life's work, but there were too many shadows to let me tackle this task. Yes, now I have cleaned up. I descended deeply with Laura's company and transformed shadows into light. (And yes, I clean up again and again, it's not just done. But it gets easier.) Besides these transformations, it was also the strengthening of my inner masculine aspects that enabled me to take this important step on my life path make.
And more steps will follow. You are already in the field. Not quite tangible but definitely noticeable. Because connected with the color red and also with my womb, I feel my worth, I know more and more about my gifts and the responsibility to carry them into the world.
It was also the shadow work that enabled me to transform ancient themes, including ancestral themes. Through some of these resolutions I was able to detach myself from an old field and can step more and more into my own, in which I take responsibility for my own actions, actions and being. And that's how I was able to manifest a heart's desire. A new home, with wonderful wives and children.
In addition to the red goddess, I brought another important aspect home, my nature. Pipi Longstocking. My Pipi Longstocking energy can unfold more and more. No matter what others think of me, I live my life more and more playful, cheeky, connected to nature and my body. No matter what. I'm just in the mood for lively, wild and playful.
With the connection to nature becoming ever deeper through the coaching, I now feel the unconditional love that Mother Earth simply makes available to us. There is so much. For all of us. More than enough. And if I just surrender to that, I can just refuel and let her fill me. It is one of my valuable tools, which always leads me to my strength even in stormy times. I know how to fill up my tank. And it is my filled tank that makes me live in abundance.
Through a night fire ceremony in the forest, I experienced an initiation through which my inner witch began to unfold. Another archetype awakened in my being.
During the coaching, the drum also came to me, its sounds and my own primal sounds, my singing amplified. The sounds and also the playful, healing handling of my body, be it in dance, in play, in the forest as a goblin, in sensuality or in body work with and without the Yoni Egg, were often what made transformations possible in their simplicity.
Yes, I simply experience a different access to my powers and my potential.
And no, I no longer need to stage dramas (or almost none anymore..:-)) to experience the intensity of life. When I am connected to myself, I feel the intensity and the liveliness in the here and now, in everything and everyone. In every tree, in every flower, in the tea, on my skin, in the sound of the church bell, in my heartbeat.
One of the last big gifts I received on this 5-month journey with Laura was the rose. It is she who will certainly continue to accompany me on my soul path. I am deeply grateful for this gift and I know of its value.
Thank you, Laura, for your incredibly powerful and fine companionship. Your gift of accompanying us women on our path to blossoming is pure gold.
And I'm grateful to myself too. I followed my intuition and embarked on the journey, not knowing what might come. Luckily I didn't wait another day, it's not worth it. Because it's my life, which was just waiting to be fully lived by me. And no, it wasn't a walk in the park, it's getting down to business. But why walk when we can scale the most incredible mountain peaks and descend into the deepest gorges. It is such a gift to be so alive here on earth.
From the bottom of my heart, dear Laura, just thank you. And in thanksgiving lives love."
Milena Meyer
“My heart is filled with deep gratitude. I thank the rose, I thank you Laura and I thank myself - that I am worth it!
This magical rose cycle had a deep effect on me and moved me a lot. The frequency of the feminine has drawn many new circles and magically completed old open circles. I would never have thought that possible.
Dieting a plant and forming such an intimate connection with it took my work to a new level:
Above all, the rose essence ointment embodies the nature and frequency of the rose and passes it on. Through this ointment and some preceding wonderfully magical moments, this SOUL BALM was born in our ointment kitchen.
Our work now becomes more subtle.
The SOUL BALMS not only have a physical effect, but also on a mental level. This is the start of so many possibilities.
This enormous development has a lot to do with my self-esteem. Through the teachings with the rose I have learned to give my intuition more space, I have learned to trust myself and I have become aware of my worth and my standards. My needs are right and important! And this development is reflected on the outside - of course I'm still learning - I'm a human being to learn and Laura and Rose are wonderful teachers.
I feel much more feminine and much stronger!
I am a woman and I want to live that!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Laura - your guidance on this journey was carried out with incredible precision and sensitivity!
In deep connection"
Romina Camilleri
"I am deeply grateful to you! I never would have thought it possible to transform so much in 3 months.
Melanie started the journey as a calm and rather insecure person:
I had a lot of trouble communicating, opening up.. I always felt uncomfortable in groups. And always looking for myself and my very own expression.
It was sometimes very painful and exhausting, you challenged me. But I knew from the bottom of my heart that it was the right path and that you were the right coach for it.
With your way, your being without any mask with real compassion and understanding, you have shown me where I am stuck in old patterns and where I am still deep in the shadows.
It took a lot from me but every call was extremely healing. So many self-doubts have been resolved and I'm a huge step closer to my core. Thanks to the union of feminine and masculine.
I am excited to see what photos will be taken.. because I would never have thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever show myself like this."
I am very happy to accompany this versatile, powerful, loving and deep woman for another 3 months in "Feminine Embodiment" and to continue to be a witness to her feminine, sensual embodiment."
Melanie Strebel
“All of a sudden Laura showed up on Facebook. Again and again. In a phase of personal upheaval, driven by the idea of doing an apprenticeship, I finally lost myself. No longer related to my body, let alone my wife. Everything covered and supplied in dark rooms. I was just in my head. Spinning in circles, and a sadness spread. What do I want, who am I, where do I go and how? And where, please, is the most direct way to the solution?
I wanted to become something and learned from Laura: You are enough.
Dear Laura. The 3 month journey with you was a journey to myself, to my deepest inside, to myself, to my honesty and to my feelings. With your empathy and your vision you knew exactly what was going on. Just for a moment I want to see what you see. You know exactly where I stood and what it took.
You triggered me, you drilled where it hurt, where there are shadows. Look closely and be honest, you told me. You cracked me open Walls have collapsed. It really hurt!
But what I experienced afterwards is magic, power and softness. I felt so much, and above all I learned how to feel again. back in my body I know now everything is in me.
The feminine and the intuition...I reconciled with the masculine. I am infinitely grateful to you I don't end up as a man-eating crocodile! Or something like that... "You taught me tools and so many tips. We have traveled shamanically, far and yet so close. All new territory for me or forgotten. And of course how easy it is to be. And just being is enough.
I especially like your language too, it's real and it's the one I speak.
Everything still feels so fresh, so new and also still so untrue. Somehow clumsily I dare to take the first steps and I know for sure that walking alone is still difficult. do I dare? Am I really true to myself?
That's why my intuition whispered to me, go ahead! And I heard them and acted on them.”
"Thank you dear Laura for everything! I could listen to your teachings for hours. You are a wonderful teacher! And the journey continues. I'm looking forward"
Claudia Strebel
“For me it started when the pregnancy I wanted didn’t come. We had tried it for 3 years and in 2017 this "failure", the "unachievable" broke through despite all our efforts. It made me even more powerless: You don't get pregnant alone, it takes two.
I felt that something closed inside me and underneath something else came to light: the head, the thoughts, the outside. The desire for appreciation of myself and my wife, because she was worthless..."
"By working with Laura & the other women for over a month, the door has opened again, to my femininity, to my sensuality, to myself.
The power of the rose & nature, the great primal energy where it is, brought the magic back to me. My wife reappears.
It's incredibly fun to meet her again with me, with my husband. It's just magical & yes it's worth rediscovering yourself. To see yourself as valuable again.”
"The month with the online calls & the private FB group was something new, but perfect for me.
Laura's energy and her authentic & direct manner will take you further, give you courage. She encourages you to leave your comfort zone, to have your own desires and to go for them.
Thank you Laura & very much again."