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Wisterias Embrace

WISTERIAS EMBRACE is so much more than just a blooming masquerade of your feminine essence. It’s about your taboos, about your silent darkness, about your underlying poison. Not because we want to celebrate it, but because we want to bring it to light. If you continue to LIE to yourself (and others) about yourself…your blooming will never radiate as preciously as hers.

My aim is to create a space of Love, where Truth will be invited to disrupt your false idea of yourself. I am pretty accurate at spotting your fake stories you are telling yourself and others all day long. The nice and the ugly ones. The hidden and the obvious ones. And i will point them out if you are not able to do so yourself.

You will never be perfect (what does that even mean). And you will never experience HIS GRACE if you still try to pretend so.

NOW is the time to truly, deeply be seen. WISTERIAS EMBRACE is an invitation to submit to HIM and therefore blossom as Her.

For women only

6 weeks in a small group
Medicine of Wisteria
Offline-Opening on Friday evening 7. June 2024 (in Zürich)
Offline-Closing Friday evening 19. July 2024 (in Zürich)
Online-Calls weekly every Wednesday
Price 1700 CHF
Two-Installment-payment possible with 5% markup (1085 CHF + 700 CHF)

You will need to commit to no alcohol for the whole duration of the journey.

Registrations/questions via Messenger (FB) or

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